Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year and a New Vegan

It feels like I always start a blog post the same way because I never blog. I hope to start doing this more often since people actually read what I have to say. Because it's a New Year I have finally made some resolutions or better yet decided to start something and see how that all goes.

Since the last time I have blogged I have graduated from College. Travel on the road for many days with some of my college friends. Went to graduate school and decided that Public School teaching was not for me. Then moved back to New York and work at a great non profit and been enjoying the city. I have a boyfriend and being in a relationship has been a good thing for me. But most of all I have been eating out and not doing much cooking in the year 2011 and hope that will change in 2012. So far so good.

I have decided that right now I want to work out more and eat healthier than I have been doing in the past. I have been vegan for over 5 years and I think that it's time that I take more time to understand what I'm putting into my body. I have decided that I will be eating more fruits instead of unhealthy snacks. I will be cooking more vegetables instead of eating tons of processed meat alternatives. We need to think about the things that we put into our body so our body in the end can help us heal.

For the past two days I have been going to gym and cooking my dinner. Tonight I will be having collard greens, spinach, and organic carrots. Tofu will be my other addition with some yummy yams with Earth Balance. This is a yummy meal and I will see how this all goes in the end. Food is suppose to do many things for us and I want to make sure that I use food to help me and not harm my body.

It would be great to hear from friends about the new foods they will be cooking and the things that you have decided to change with this 2012 year just starting. Eat well and be well.

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